7 or 8 lucky l.a. dogs got a fabulous chance to play, see, and be given tons of treats
first we met zoey a fun loving and playful puppy and we enjoyed playing with her and
petting her. she is so silly and funny to watch and i love how excited she gets when we
come home and she gets to come out from her little house :) she was a little bit camera
shy so i only have this one photo.
they we went to vist kelsey's house and we met her two dogs. she got her dogs because
she volenteers at a foster dog organization and she can take into her house as many
dogs as she wants, to take care of them and watch them and kind of have them as a pet
for a while :) she has the kindest heart and is such a nice person. the two dogs names
are: luna and chobe both girls so cute. they love to play with this little cat toy that
kelsey throws around and they have to catch it and chobe gets it rite away and never
wants to let go, but luna takes more practice :) (lune small one tan color and chobe big
black one) they were not camera shy so lots and lots of photos!
then, we traved to atascadero to my mom's cousin's house. and we had a fabulous
doggie party! the story:
we arrived and she has one dog venus, and she was all chillin and then we look out the
back door and there is a little pug sitting out there waiting for us to open the door and
give him treats. so we let her in and then 4 more doggies come over! and then my mom
breaks out the doggy treats and starts feeding them and then doesn't stop until 25
minutes later!
we had a blast and the dogs were just adorable! here is a few of the pics:
hope you have enjoyed my dog blog! :)
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