
the blissful mts. escape

me and two of my friends went up for melly's bday bash...
me and two friends want up to melissa's grandparents house for her bday bash, 4
 weeeks age. we had a blast at the beach, cooking dinner, riding the go kart, and living in our
"little apartment". we loved the view and couldn't wait for the night time camp fire!
melissa had this planned for two months almost and just couldn't wait for that day to
come! :) she had the best time ever! happy birthday, melissa! :) <3
happy birthday to all <3
:) hailey


  1. That was the best trip ever! I hope we can do that again next year!

  2. yes i do and at least once or twice for u and paola or with out her? :( idk and with angie maybe just angie for two day then two more without her :) fun memories
